#÷÷==/ ArtRock

Mimi Bordeaux
Jun 26, 2024


publication for the people

Photo by mos design on Unsplash

A place for lost souls, frigid folk, loners, drifters, grifters, pityfuls, pithys, playfuls, gamers, non gamblers, drinkers, druggies, poor poverty punesports, poets, prose-ettes and anyone else who has had a venomous and malodorous orderly enter the room to strap you to the bed.

Or if you like writing death wish tales with a twist.

Ok so it’s only for fiction?

No. You could write an essay on the full works of Shakespeare and and ArtRock would most likely accept it.

It might help if you are able to form a decent sentence-- albeit with a metaphor or euphemism in a fashion-an uppity sense of movement or a piece on a sexual Changeling with Jim Morrison

So, if you still are interested (I dare you!)

Please contact us by

Sending a draft to mimibordeaux17@gmail.com

Thank you people!

Mimi Bordeaux



Mimi Bordeaux

Renegade of prose_+ creator of the troubled mentor-= abyss gaunt and drying on the inner::+sinking memory flowing through subconscious mind: it's the dreamland